Ajax 12v PSU Hub 2

A power supply unit, connecting the Hub 2 control panel to a low-voltage power source.

Trust code:
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Use the security system with visual alarm verification in premises lacking electricity or having an unstable power supply. A 12 V power supply unit allows connecting a hub to low-voltage networks or using a backup external battery.

Ajax protects your home, even if it goes on wheels. With a 12 V power supply, the security system can travel with you, connecting to a car or portable battery.

The power supply unit is compatible with Hub 2 central panel. It features a standard socket for connecting the power jack plug and has a bundled terminal adapter.



  • DC input - Input voltage 8-20 V


SOS code


SOS code: 24057
Description: Ajax 12v PSU Hub 2 Manufacturer Part no.: 18098